Garden Sofas

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Bold D – LU: Plust sofa in polyethylene with white structure and natural grey cushion, with lighting system, also for outdoors
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Bold D – LU

Plust sofa in polyethylene with lighting system, also for outdoors

1.560,00 €
Gumball D – LU: Designer ergonomic sofa by Plust with lighting system
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Gumball D – LU

Outdoor sofa by Plust in polyethylene, with light

935,00 €
Rap: Stackable sofa with lighting system
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Slide stackable sofa in polyethylene, also with lighting system and cushion, also for the garden

1.000,40 €
Settembre D – LU: Settembre family by Plust combined with the T Ball coffee table
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Settembre D – LU

Outdoor sofa by Plust, in polyethylene, with lighting

895,00 €

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